This website is for see online the famous serial Friends. In the last
weeks I have a lot of free time and I dedicated for see movies and series. And this
website has all the seasons of Friends, since the first pilot episode until the
final episode of the tenth season. This page has a list of every season, the
ten seasons, where you can push about the number of season that you want to
see. Then appear a list of every chapter with a little review for know what is
it. Then when you click in the chapter appear a list of servers for see the
chapter normal or in High Definition. Also the website has a frame with news
about the character of Friends and the serial. I found this site one day that I
looking for a website for see older chapter of Friends and I loved it because
the servers are really faster. Totally recommends for the fanatics of Friends.
Friends is a great serial. I remember very epidoses.